The Publications of the Caplovitz Vision Lab
BOLD: Undergraduate student researcher
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Gurariy, G., Killebrew, K. W., Berryhill, M. E., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2016). Induced and Evoked Human Electrophysiological Correlates of Visual Working Memory Set-Size Effects at Encoding. PloS one, 11(11), e0167022. PDF
Erlikhman, G., Gurariy, G., Mruczek, R. E. B., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2016). The neural representation of objects formed through the spatiotemporal integration of visual transients. NeuroImage, 142, 67–78. PDF
McCarthy, J. D., Strother, L., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2015). Spatiotemporal Form Integration: sequentially presented inducers can lead to representations of stationary and rigidly rotating objects. Attention, perception & psychophysics, 77(8), 2740–2754. PDF
McCarthy, J. D., Kohler, P. J., Tse, P. U., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2015). Extrastriate Visual Areas Integrate Form Features over Space and Time to Construct Representations of Stationary and Rigidly Rotating Objects. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 27(11), 2158–2173. PDF
Strother, L., Killebrew, K. W., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2015). The lemon illusion: seeing curvature where there is none. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9, 95. PDF
Mruczek, R. E., Blair, C. D., Strother, L., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2015). The Dynamic Ebbinghaus: motion dynamics greatly enhance the classic contextual size illusion. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9, 77. PDF
Shapiro, A. G., Caplovitz, G. P., & Dixon, E. L. (2014). Feature- and Face-Exchange illusions: new insights and applications for the study of the binding problem. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8, 804. PDF
Peterson, D. J., Gurariy, G., Dimotsantos, G. G., Arciniega, H., Berryhill, M. E., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2014). The steady-state visual evoked potential reveals neural correlates of the items encoded into visual working memory. Neuropsychologia, 63, 145–153. PDF
Mruczek, R. E., Blair, C. D., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2014). Dynamic illusory size contrast: a relative-size illusion modulated by stimulus motion and eye movements. Journal of vision, 14(3), 2. PDF
McCarthy, J. D., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2014). Color synesthesia improves color but impairs motion perception. Trends in cognitive sciences, 18(5), 224–226. PDF
Blair, C. D., Goold, J., Killebrew, K., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2014). Form features provide a cue to the angular velocity of rotating objects. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance, 40(1), 116–128. PDF
McCarthy, J. D., Kupitz, C., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2013). The Binding Ring Illusion: assimilation affects the perceived size of a circular array. F1000Research, 2, 58. PDF
Kohler, P. J., Caplovitz, G. P., & Tse, P. U. (2014). The global slowdown effect: why does perceptual grouping reduce perceived speed?. Attention, perception & psychophysics, 76(3), 780–792.
Peterson, D. J., Gurariy, G., Caplovitz, G. P., & Berryhill, M. E. (2013). The Neural Fate of Individual Item Representations in Visual Working Memory. Visual cognition, 21(6), 10.1080/13506285.2013.844967. PDF
McCarthy, J. D., Barnes, L. N., Alvarez, B. D., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2013). Two plus blue equals green: grapheme-color synesthesia allows cognitive access to numerical information via color. Consciousness and cognition, 22(4), 1384–1392. PDF
Reavis, E. A., Kohler, P. J., Caplovitz, G. P., Wheatley, T. P., & Tse, P. U. (2013). Effects of attention on visual experience during monocular rivalry. Vision research, 83, 76–81. PDF
Hughes, H. C., Caplovitz, G. P., Loucks, R. A., & Fendrich, R. (2012). Attentive and pre-attentive processes in change detection and identification. PloS one, 7(8), e42851. PDF
Blair, C. D., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2012). The effect of attention on context dependent synesthetic experiences. Seeing and perceiving, 25(6), 619–629.
Caplovitz, G. P., Shapiro, A. G., & Stroud, S. (2011). The maintenance and disambiguation of object representations depend upon feature contrast within and between objects. Journal of vision, 11(14), 1. PDF
Porter, K. B., Caplovitz, G. P., Kohler, P. J., Ackerman, C. M., & Tse, P. U. (2011). Rotational and translational motion interact independently with form. Vision research, 51(23-24), 2478–2487. PDF