Snow Lab Undergrads present their UNR Funded Research

Undergraduates Katy Breeding and Elizabeth Tolbert present research at Nevada Undergraduate Research Symposium.

On April 30, two Snow Lab undergraduate research assistants presented their work at the Nevada Undergraduate Research Symposium. This symposium is held annually at the Joe Crowley Student Union building on the UNR campus and serves as a venue for undergraduate students to showcase their award-funded work. Katy Breeding (recipient of a 2017-2018 Honors Undergraduate Research Award) presented her poster entitled, "Using EEG to compare brain responses to real-world objects, 2-D images, and augmented reality stimuli", while Elizabeth Tolbert (recipient of a 2017-2018 Nevada Undergraduate Research Award) presented her poster, "Real Objects and 2-D Images Elicit Comparable Visual Adaptation Aftereffects".